PPS recognizes quick action of PaTS employees

During the summer, Virginia Fuentes, a SafeRide driver with the Parking and Transportation Services Office (PaTS), was training recent hire Monique Woodard, when she observed an oddity. The Police and Public Safety Department (PPS) vehicle she was following veered suddenly to the left, crossed the oncoming traffic lane and came to rest near a stop sign north of Craver Road.
“It was a little frightening to see, so I immediately had Monique pull over and call 911,” said Fuentes, who radioed PPS using the mutual aid channel on her radio. She approached the police car and observed the officer was breathing but unresponsive. She and Woodard stayed with the officer, Steve Wall, until medical assistance arrived.
For their quick action, Jeff Baker, chief of Police and Public Safety, presented Fuentes a certificate of appreciation at a PPS supervisors meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 11. Woodard was unable to attend the presentation but will be recognized by PPS at a later date.
The chief lauded Fuentes for her efforts; he noted that while Wall recently returned to light duty, the results could have been different.
Fuentes stated she didn’t view her reaction as heroic. “I did what I hope anyone else would have done in the same situation.”