International education honor society earns trio of awards

UNC Charlotte’s chapter of Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), the International Honor Society in Education, continued its award-winning streak with a trio of honors at the 53rd Kappa Delta Pi Convocation.

Omicron Pi Chapter received its fourth Achieving Chapter Excellence Award, which recognizes Kappa Delta Pi chapters that exhibit outstanding programming supporting the society’s mission.

For Celebration of Teaching, Kappa Delta Pi’s newest signature service initiative, the group was one of five to receive the Gold Award for Future 49ers TEACH Day.

Omicron Pi Chapter Counselor Misty Hathcock, along with Associate Counselor Debra Diegmann, and chapter officers Chressy Rayfield, Noah Horn, Calysta Castillo, Mackenize Marlow and Dakota Walker attended this year’s KDP convocation.

Hathcock was one of seven inducted into the distinguished Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter. This honor recognized men and women who have made significant and longtime contributions of service to KDP as well as demonstrated a commitment to its ideals and to excellence in education. The Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter is composed of a maximum of 100 living members.

The 53rd Kappa Delta Pi Convocation featured more than 75 workshops, keynote speakers, idea exchanges and networking opportunities.