
Dell Destination RV on campus June 30
Members of the campus community are invited to check out Dell’s Destination RV on Friday, June 30, for some free food and drinks and a chance to see the latest Dell and Intel products.
Dell’s RV will be on campus from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the open plaza area between Kennedy and Rowe buildings.

ID cards needed to raise parking gates beginning June 27
Members of the University community will need to use their 49er ID cards to access the CRI, Union, Cone (faculty/staff west side only) and North decks beginning Tuesday, June 27. Tapping the card at a contactless reader will raise the gates for entry and exit.
The card will serve as the primary parking credential while the new license plate recognition (LPR) equipment at these locations is calibrated.
Once the system is fully operational, the card will serve as a backup credential if LPR ever fails to read a license plate.

Temporary closing of East Deck 1 entrance/exit
The main entrance and exit to East Deck 1 from Mary Alexander Road will be closed from Monday, June 26, through Friday, July 7, to upgrade existing parking gate and payment equipment.
Expect lane closures, construction equipment, noise and dust in the area. Barricades and signage will be erected to direct employees/visitors to other entrances/exits.
Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.
(Note, this is a revision to this posting.)

Join the Clean Commute Challenge
As temperatures rise, the campus and surrounding communities are more vulnerable to the effects of unhealthy air quality. The annual Clean Commute Challenge, an initiative spearheaded by N.C. Air Awareness, aims to combat this issue.
The program, administered by the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, provides individuals and organizations with tools to help reduce pollution and exposure to harmful levels of ozone and particulate matter.
State Health Plan dependent audit reminder
Employees who carry a dependent on their state health insurance must take action for the State Health Plan Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit. The audit, which began May 22, concludes July 31.
Failure to respond and produce the required documentation will result in termination of the dependents’ coverage under the plan effective Aug.1.

University welcomes new employees
UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the June 13-14 New Employee Orientation session:
Belk College of Business
Monica Hughes, public communications specialist
Building Environmental Services
Leonard Gordon, building environmental technician
Donneesha Richardson, building environmental technician
Andrew Smith, building environmental technician
Sherry Stevenson, building environmental technician

RSVP for annual Ice Cream Social
The Division of Business Affairs will sponsor its annual campus-wide ice cream social from 2:30 to 4 p.m., Friday, June 23, in the Cone University Center, After Hours Lounge.
During this free event for faculty and staff members, vanilla and chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup, strawberry topping, whipped cream, chopped nuts and cherries will be served while quantities last. Ice water also will be available.
Prospective attendees should email RSVPs to vcba@uncc.edu by Monday, June 19.
Stenhouse needs shared leave
Peter Stenhouse with Housing and Residence Life needs shared leave donations.
To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 225. For more information, contact Joy Finney, benefits counselor, at 704‑687‑0648.

Sealant project to close portions of CRI roadways
Portions of J.W. Clay Boulevard and Snyder Road will be closed beginning at 7 a.m., Sunday, June 11, due to a new seal coat being applied to the roadway.
Access to CRI Deck will be available on EPIC Lane. The first phase will close the exit onto campus at J.W. Clay Boulevard; after drying, the entrance will be re-opened. Then, Snyder Road will be closed from EPIC Lane to the roundabout at Institute Circle.
Work should be completed by 8 p.m., June 11.
As a reminder, exercise caution when approaching construction zones.
Staff Council issues call for nominations
Nominations are being accepted for Staff Council area representatives and alternates and members of the executive committee.
Staff members should have received an email with a link to the nomination form; the deadline is 5 p.m., Friday, June 9.
Email Dave Frantzreb rfrantzr@uncc.edu with questions.