General News

Can’t Miss Events
With the popular International Festival, an action-packed Kids Fest, the 5th Annual #NinerNationGives, Homecoming and more, UNC Charlotte has your next several weeks covered.

University a cappella group, theater troupe to perform at 2019 Kids Fest
Children and their families attending the third annual Kids Fest in October will be entertained as much as they are educated with performances by groups such as UNC Charlotte’s Codachrome A Cappella and the Queen City Circus.

University City program offers one-stop shop for underserved children and families
A small group of children walk out of the Atrium Health University City hospital cafeteria and head directly to the crafts table. Volunteer students from UNC Charlotte’s School of Social Work greet them with smiling faces and art supplies in hand. A loud buzz fills the lobby as only the voices of young kids can do, while little hands craft get well soon cards for hospital patients.

Students to read U.S. Constitution publicly
On Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 11 a.m. to noon, students will gather at the Star Quad to take turns reading the U.S. Constitution. All are welcome at the event, which is the University’s annual commemoration of Constitution Day.“We want this reading of the Constitution to start discussion among students about their constitutional rights and about the structure of our government,” said Kathleen Nicolaides, director of the Legal Studies Minor and pre-law advisor.

Tickets on sale for Butterfly Affair fundraiser
The fourth annual Butterfly Affair: An Evening to Support the UNC Charlotte Collegiate Recovery Community is scheduled for 6 p.m., Friday, Sept. 27.

Study shows localized standards boost racial equity in gifted education
Identifying students who would benefit from academically gifted services is the subject of a recent study by a team of education scholars, including Cato College of Education professor Michael Matthews.

Distinguished violin professor to perform
The Department of Music will present a Faculty & Friends Concert featuring Anne R. Belk Distinguished Professor of Violin David Russell on Monday, Sept. 16, in the Belk Theater in Robinson Hall. Guest pianists Kyle Linscheid and Eric Malson will perform, too.

Niner Nation Remembrance Commission to hold listening sessions
The Niner Nation Remembrance Commission will be hosting two listening sessions for students, faculty and staff, as well as two listening sessions for alumni and community members.

Botanical Gardens to hold annual Fall Plant Sale
The UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens Fall Plant Sale is a great place to find selections that will yield spring blooms.This annual sale will be 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Oct. 4-5, at the Cafeteria Activities Building (220 CAB Lane). A preview sale will be noon to 3 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 3, for members of the campus community and garden stewards. Students, faculty and staff receive a 10 percent discount with a UNC Charlotte ID.

Historian to address ‘Gay Miami before 1940’
Julio Capó Jr., associate professor of history at Florida International University, will discuss his book “Welcome to Fairyland: Gay Miami Before 1940” at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 25, at UNC Charlotte Center City.Capó is a transnational historian whose research and teaching interests include modern U.S. history, especially the United States’ relationship to the Caribbean and Latin America. He addresses how gender and sexuality have historically intersected with constructions of ethnicity, race, class, nation, age and ability.