General News

University to observe National Transfer Student Week

UNC Charlotte welcomes new students to campus virtually every semester, and a significant number of them are transfer students.

This year, the University Transfer Center is partnering with other campus units to offer special programs as part of the campus observance of National Transfer Student Week.

Belk College honors four outstanding alumni/friends

As part of Homecoming celebrations, the Belk College of Business honored four alumni and friends for their accomplishments, service and dedication to the college.

The UNC Charlotte Belk College Alumni Awards recognize alumni and advocates who have demonstrated leadership and outstanding career achievements and enhanced the mission of the college. Sponsored by the Belk College of Business Alumni Council, the awards were bestowed to four individuals in these categories:

University in C1, Classes Canceled Thursday, Oct. 11

UNC Charlotte will operate in Condition 1 (C1, reduced operations) with classes canceled effective immediately and until 11:59 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11.

RSVP for Faculty/Staff Social

Faculty and staff members can join colleagues for socializing and networking at a Faculty and Staff Social, which will be from 4:30 to 6 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 6, at Robinson Hall for the Performing Arts.

Talking policy: Scholars, local leaders to discuss elections and conventions

Today’s political climate is energized, at times in a polarizing way. At 5 p.m., Friday, Oct. 12, at UNC Charlotte Center City, a community conversation will consider how to channel this energy into meaningful political participation at the local level.

Toronto researcher to address biotechnology

Alessandro Delfanti from the University of Toronto will present “The History and Politics of Distributed Biotechnology” at 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 30, in the Cone University Center, Room 113.

Delfanti, assistant professor of culture and new media, teaches at the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology; he is the author of “Biohackers: The Politics of Open Science.”

Review the latest Chancellor’s ‘Fast Five’

Categories: General News Tags: Chancellor

The Chancellor’s “Fast Five” update provides the campus community a behind-the-scenes glimpse into some of the projects and priorities that occupy the chancellor’s time and attention.

Lee College hosting ‘Creating and Developing More Diverse Engineering Leaders’

“Creating and Developing More Diverse Engineering Leaders” is scheduled for 3 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 24, in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center.

The Lee College of Engineering is hosting this free educational and networking event, which is open to all UNC Charlotte students, faculty, staff, alumni and the community. Registration is required at Eventbrite.

Presidential election concludes, Hadzikadic to return to Charlotte

Mirsad Hadžikadić may not have won the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but he was still pleased with his campaign’s results.

Webcast introduces new director of galleries

Adam Justice is the new director of galleries for the College of Arts + Architecture. In this Inside UNC Charlotte webcast, learn about how he arrived at UNC Charlotte from the Mint Museum of Art and about his early interests in art and what he has planned this fall for the University’s galleries. Click ‘read more’ to watch.