General News

Celebrate National Walking Day
Wednesday, April 6, is National Walking Day as designated by the American Heart Association. The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness is coordinating a group walk to encourage faculty and staff members to live longer, stronger, healthier lives. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week for adults and 60 minutes per day for children and adolescents.
Starting at 4:30 p.m., April 6, employees will meet at the entrance of Belk Gym for a 30-minute group walk.

MAX on the move this spring
The UNC Charlotte Mobile Arts & Community Experience (MAX) will be in two residencies this spring in the Charlotte area. From Friday, April 8, through Monday, April 18, MAX will be on the front lawn of the McColl Center for Art + Innovation on North Tryon Street. Beginning Saturday, April 30, MAX will be in east Charlotte on the property of Aldersgate, a continuing care retirement community on Shamrock Drive, for an entire month of activity.

Resiliency subject of Counseling Center talks
The Counseling Center will sponsor talks at 6:30 p.m., Wednesdays, April 13 and 27, in the Student Union Movie Theatre.
Each event will feature two speakers with aspects of resiliency as a focus of the talks; these events are free to students, faculty, staff and the public. For students, these workshops are Wellness Passport events.

UNC Charlotte weekend at Levine Museum
Through a partnership between UNC Charlotte and the Levine Museum of the New South, faculty, staff, students and alumni will be able to visit the museum for free Friday and Saturday, April 8 and 9, during the museum’s regular business hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Comments from Chancellor Dubois regarding House Bill 2
To members of the UNC Charlotte community:
We have received many questions about the meaning of House Bill 2, passed last week by the General Assembly.

Senior recognition of faculty and staff still going strong
Now in its third year at UNC Charlotte, the “Thank You Card” recognition program continues to grow in size and impact. Beginning in 2013, Chancellor Philip L. Dubois sent 631 thank you cards to members of UNC Charlotte’s faculty and staff who were nominated by graduating seniors on the 2012-13 Senior Survey.
Earlier this year, 721 faculty and staff members received thank you cards.

Economic mobility focus of Women + Girls Research Alliance Summit
For the majority of girls born into poverty in the Charlotte region, they will have a harder time breaking out of that economic state. UNC Charlotte’s Women + Girls Research Alliance (W+GRA) is bringing researchers and the community together to explore improving economic mobility opportunities for women as the focus of its 2016 W+GRA Summit.
A day-and-a-half event, the 2016 W+GRA Summit will be Thursday and Friday, April 14-15. Registration is through April 8; space is limited.

Wood inducted into state’s athletic trainers Hall of Fame
UNC Charlotte athletic training clinical coordinator Bret Wood is a 2016 inductee into the North Carolina Athletic Trainers Association (NCATA) Hall of Fame.
The award honors an NCATA athletic trainer with at least 20 years of experience; nominations are by peers and evaluated by the association’s board of directors.
“There is a long list of nationally and internationally recognized athletic trainers in the N.C. Hall of Fame,” Wood said. “It was quite an honor to be considered a part of that group. It was certainly a welcome surprise.”

Annual ‘Take Back the Night’ to support survivors, raise awareness
Women and men can be affected by sexual and/or intimate partner violence. To provide a safe, supportive space for individuals who have experienced such violence, as well as a learning opportunity to educate others how to help

Photographic exhibition documents a N.C. Latino community
The Department of Art and Art History, along with the Levine Scholars Program and J. Murrey Atkins Library, will present “Nowhere | Now Here,” a photographic exhibition documenting the Latin American community of a small town in North Carolina. The exhibition will be displayed on first floor of Atkins Library Monday, March 28, through Saturday, April 23.