General News

Writer to address overcoming adversity, eating disorder recovery
Author Jenni Schaefer will present “Almost Anorexic: Do you have an ‘Ed’ (eating disorder) in your head?” at 7 p.m., Monday, April 11, in the Student Union Movie Theater.
Schaefer’s best-selling novel “Life Without Ed: How One Woman Declared Independence from Her Eating Disorder and How You Can Too” chronicles her journey with an eating disorder and established her as a leader in the recovery movement.
Connect NC Bond – education fuels job growth
Trustee Sharon Decker calls Connect NC bond “essential” to state’s economic future.

Theatre Department to stage postmodern masterpiece ‘Hamletmachine’
The UNC Charlotte Department of Theatre will present “Hamletmachine” Friday, March 18, through Tuesday, March 22, in the Anne Belk Theater of the Robinson Hall for the Performing Arts.

‘Nexos’ to examine Latino vote and the 2016 presidential election
David Leal, professor of government at the University of Texas at Austin, and Federico Rios, program director of Elementary School Services at Communities in Schools of Charlotte Mecklenburg, will lead a public conversation about Latino votes in the presidential campaigns on Thursday, March 31.
“Nexos: The 2016 Presidential Election and the Latino/a Vote” will be held at UNC Charlotte Center City; doors open at 5 p.m., and the program will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a reception at 6:30 p.m.

Film festival offers rich tapestry of international movies
Explore and experience the rich world of contemporary film through selections from Brazil, Chile, China, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mauritania, Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, South Korea, Spain and Uruguay during UNC Charlotte’s annual International Film Festival.

Ceremonial tree planting to celebrate Arbor Day, KEEPING WATCH
UNC Charlotte will conduct a ceremonial tree planting at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 16, at the west end of Hechenbleikner Lake. This event is part of the University’s KEEPING WATCH initiative and celebrates North Carolina Arbor Day, which is March 18.
Organized by the UNC Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture and UNC Charlotte’s Urban Institute, KEEPING WATCH is a multi-year initiative designed to foster collaboration across disciplines and interest groups to engage the public in local ecological issues.

University ethics extra: core standards
“Pursuit of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte mission of teaching, research and public service requires a shared commitment to the core values of the University as well as a commitment to ethical conduct in all University activities.”

University to host National Council for Black Studies 40th conference
The UNC Charlotte Africana Studies Department will host the 40th annual conference of the National Council for Black Studies (NCBS) from Thursday, March 17, through Saturday, March 19, at the Omni Hotel. The 2016 theme is “Forty Years of Black Studies in the Local, National and Global Spaces: Past Accomplishments and New Directions.”

Thrash, Tillman to give poetry readings
Poets Venus Thrash and Cedric Tillman will participate in the 2016 Black Poetry Series at 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 16, at UNC Charlotte Center City.

Early voting continues through March 12
Saturday, March 12, is the final day of early voting in advance of the March 15 primary; University City Regional Library is an early voting site. Its location makes it convenient for faculty and staff members who decide to cast their ballots before the normal election date.
Jeffrey Leak, president of the Faculty Council and professor of English, voted early, and he encourages fellow employees to engage in this civic exercise.