General News

‘Transparent’ actor Ian Harvie to deliver OUTSpoken Series lecture
Issues related to the trans and gender nonconforming community are being discussed locally and nationally as well-known public figures have shared their transition process. As part of the conversation, this year’s UNC Charlotte OUTSpoken Speaker series is bringing to campus Ian Harvie, a transgender comedian who has appeared in the award-winning program “Transparent” shown on Amazon. His free, public talk will be at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 27, in the Cone University Center McKnight Hall.

Nominees sought for 2016 Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence
The selection committee for the 2016 Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence is soliciting nominees. This award is one of the most important and prestigious presented by the University, as it honors outstanding teachers on campus and provides an example of UNC Charlotte’s commitment to teaching excellence.

Literature students to hold ‘Pinwheels for Peace’ fundraiser
UNC Charlotte students in the class “War and Genocide in Children’s Literature” will hold “Pinwheels for Peace” from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday, Oct. 23, in the peace garden between Atkins Library and the College of Health and Human Services.

Beware of potential flooding
With the likelihood of heavy rain this weekend due to the approach of Hurricane Joaquin, University personnel are closely monitoring weather conditions. Here are some tips to consider when traveling on and off campus.

Early discount on 2016 Harlem Globetrotters tickets
Halton Arena will be the site for two Harlem Globetrotters contests on March 26, 2016. Game times are 2 and 7 p.m. for the team’s appearance at UNC Charlotte, which is part of the Harlem Globetrotters 90th anniversary world tour.
From Oct. 1 through 10 p.m., Oct. 5, there is a special 25 percent discount (use offer code EARLY). Certain restrictions will apply; more information is on the Web.

‘My UNC Charlotte’ to debut as new system portal
Beginning Monday, Oct. 5, the portal “My UNC Charlotte” will debut; it will eventually replace 49er Express on Nov. 16. As vendor support for 49er Express is ending, ITS has worked with faculty, staff and students to re-examine and optimize the University’s gateway to a myriad of systems and services that include Banner Self Service, Academic Advising and 49er Mart.

Oct. 1 ‘Live Wire’ devoted to impact of Friday football game
Starting at 2 p.m., Thursday, tune into “The Live Wire,” Inside UNC Charlotte’s streaming webcast, for a rebroadcast featuring Jeanne Madorin, executive director of human resources, and Keith Wassum, associate vice chancellor for business services, discussing the impact that the Friday, Oct. 2, home football game will have on campus.

Theatre Department and Children’s Theatre launch partnership with ‘Coraline’
Children’s Theatre of Charlotte’s (CTC) upcoming production of “Coraline” marks the start of a partnership with the UNC Charlotte Department of Theatre that presents new opportunities for students, both on the stage and behind the scenes. Eight UNC Charlotte theatre students – three actors and five design and production students – have joined the cast and crew for “Coraline,” which runs Oct. 16-31 in the Wells Fargo Playhouse at ImaginOn. The co-production presents the first in an initiative that is intended to bring the Theatre Department and CTC together on a continual basis.
International Festival
The 40th International Festival will be Saturday, Oct. 17.

Deadline to join Miles for Wellness walking program
Registration for the walking program Miles to Wellness is through Thursday, Oct. 8. All faculty and staff members are eligible to participate in this four-week challenge that begins Monday, Oct. 12, and runs through Monday, Nov. 9.
The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness will provide the first 200 participants with a pedometer to use.
Email Mackenzie Harkey at with questions.