General News

Charlotte 49ers mourn offensive line coach Phil Ratliff
Charlotte 49ers offensive line coach and recruiting coordinator Phil Ratliff is being remembered not only for his “loving spirit” but “the spectacular impact he made on others and his positive outlook on life.” He passed away, Sunday, Aug. 9.
Ratliff, who was entering his fourth season with the 49ers, joined the program in January 2012, as Charlotte welcomed its first recruiting class. He was on the sidelines for the Charlotte 49ers in 2013 and 2014 and helped the 49ers prepare for the 2015 season as the team makes its debut in the FBS as a member of Conference USA.

Chancellor to address Ballantyne group
On Saturday, Aug. 15, Chancellor Philip L. Dubois will participate in a Ballantyne Breakfast Club panel discussion about education in the Charlotte region. He will join Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Superintendent Ann Clark and Tony Zeiss, president of Central Piedmont Community College.

Center director focusing on building, exploring New South connections
As the new director for UNC Charlotte’s Center for the Study of the New South, Ashli Stokes will draw upon her research expertise and knowledge, along with her leadership and community engagement experiences, to lead the center in its work.
The center promotes discourse and dialogue on a rich and diverse constellation of topics and ideas relating to the New South. Known as the period of regional history from the end of the Civil War to the modern era, the New South offers a bold tapestry of history, culture, social movements and political issues ripe for reflection and study.

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less to start Aug. 31
A new offering of the 15-week weight-management program Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is scheduled to begin Monday, Aug. 31.
This program has been developed by health experts, and State Health Plan members can participate for $30 with a $25 refund for those who attend 10 of the 15 sessions.
During the one-hour classroom sessions, an experienced instructor will provide information and motivation for participants to make healthy choices related to nutrition and physical activitiy.

School supplies drive under way
UNC Charlotte is joining University City Connect for its inaugural school supplies donation drive to benefit the schools that comprise Governor’s Village.
From Monday, Aug. 10, through Friday, Aug. 21, faculty, staff and students are encouraged to donate school items for students in the four Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools that make up Governor’s Village: John M. Morehead STEM Academy, Nathaniel Alexander Elementary, James Martin Middle and Zebulon B. Vance High. These schools are located less than five miles from the University.

Art professor creates World’s Fair of Money commemorative medal
Jamie Franki, associate chair of the Department of Art + Art History, has created the commemorative medal for the American Numismatic Association’s (ANA) 2015 World’s Fair of Money, which takes place in Chicago Tuesday, Aug. 11, through Saturday, Aug. 15.
The medal, the fourth in a series inspired by the stars on the Chicago municipal flag, depicts the city’s famed 1933-34 World’s Fair, the Century of Progress. Franki will present a special “Money Talks” lecture on Friday, Aug. 14.

Work continues on light rail extension
The Charlotte Area Transit Authority’s Blue Line Extension construction team continues efforts to prepare the campus for light area.
Major changes have occurred along North Tryon Street and along the path to the UNC Charlotte Main Station, and crews have started to build the ramp for the underpass that approaches campus. Workers also have advanced the bridge construction across Toby Creek toward the station.

New Botanical Gardens director undertaking lifetime opportunity
As the new director of the UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens, Jeff Gillman sees his mission as engaging the public with the gardens and with nature.
“My goal is to bring the gardens to the public,” Gillman said. “The gardens have had a wonderful base over the years, and I hope we can bring it to a wider audience and help more people to experience not only the gardens but also plants in general. That is something I’ve worked on for my whole career – public engagement and getting people to appreciate plants and the environment.”

Education students create Web resource to improve popular Scrabble program
Making learning fun is a goal for many educators, and starting this fall, resources developed by two College of Education students will make that aim a little bit easier.
On Topic – Women in Computing
Celine Latulipe, associate professor in the College of Computing and Informatics, talks about the launch of a new initiative to engage female students in computer science.