General News

Dance Department to present spring concert

Categories: General News Tags: Arts and Culture

The Department of Dance will present a spring concert Thursday, April 16, through Sunday, April 19, in the Robinson Hall for the Performing Arts, Belk Theater. Performances will be at 7:30 p.m., April 16-18 with a 2 p.m. matinee on April 19.

The concert will feature a showcase of different dance styles and will include student performers in works choreographed by dance faculty Gretchen Alterowitz, E.E. Balcos, Kim Jones and Rachel Tucker.

Belk College faculty member receives Chamber’s young professional award

Victor Chen, assistant professor of international management in the Belk College of Business, has received the 2015 Young Professional (YP) Educator Award from the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals (YPs).

The Charlotte Chamber YPs honored 24 finalists who are between 21 and 39 years of age in six categories. The awards were presented earlier this month at the NASCAR Hall of Fame.

Students to present live, recorded scenes from London production

UNC Charlotte study abroad students will present live and recorded scenes from a 2014 London production of Shakespeare’s “Pericles” and Cervantes’ “The Sultan’s Queen” on Tuesday, April 21, in the Cone University Center, McKnight Hall. 

The performance, which is free and open to the public, will be from 7 to 9 p.m. and will include a question-and-answer session with a student/faculty panel. 

‘Countdown to AIDS Walk’ to raise awareness of HIV

On Thursday, April 23, the Multicultural Resource Center will sponsor a “Countdown to AIDS Walk” from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Student Union to sign up individuals to participate in Charlotte’s annual AIDS Walk, scheduled for Saturday, May 2.

The April 23 event will include music and entertainment, along with interactive HIV educational displays and presentations.

Sartarelli named chancellor of UNC Wilmington

Categories: General News Tags: Academic Affairs

 Jose “Zito” Sartarelli, Ph.D., a former pharmaceutical executive who now serves as chief global officer and dean of the College of Business and Economics at West Virginia University, was elected chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington by the Board of Governors of the 17-campus University of North Carolina. UNC President Tom Ross placed Sartarelli’s name in nomination April 10 during the board’s regular April meeting, held on the campus of East Carolina University in Greenville. 

Register to attend engaged scholarship, community partnership symposium

Categories: General News Tags: Academic Affairs

UNC Charlotte will host the inaugural Engaged Scholarship and Community Partnership Symposium Thursday and Friday, April 23-24.

Decker appointed to UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees; Price, Jamil and Schulte reappointed

Former North Carolina Secretary of Commerce Sharon Allred Decker will join UNC Charlotte’s leadership as a new member of the Board of Trustees.

The UNC Board of Governors appointed Decker to a four-year term beginning July 1.  The board also reappointed current trustees Joe Price, Dhiaa Jamil and Laura Schulte, each to their second, full four-year term.

Cancer researcher receives UNC Board of Governors top faculty honor

Distinguished cancer researcher Pinku Mukherjee was honored with the O. Max Gardner Award – the highest faculty accolade given by the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina. She was presented the honor formally Friday, April 10.

UNC Charlotte’s day of giving an ‘extraordinary’ 24 hours

UNC Charlotte successfully concluded its Niner Nation Gives campaign earlier today, and campus leaders were pleased with the inaugural day of giving.

Arizona State researcher to talk ‘Compassion in the Face of Terror’

Sarah Tracy, a professor in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University, will present “Compassion in the Face of Terror” at 9 a.m., Tuesday, April 21, in the Student Union, Room 340 (A-E). This presentation is for the Communication Studies Week Spring Colloquium, sponsored by the Communication Studies Graduate Student Association and the Communication Studies Department’s graduate program.