‘Random Acts of Kindness Day’ to celebrate Ratliff’s birthday

Categories: General News Tags: Athletics

The Charlotte 49ers football program is asking fans to celebrate the life of the late Phil Ratliff, the 49ers offensive line coach who died in August, by committing random acts of kindness on Ratliff’s birthday, Thursday, Nov. 12.

Ratliff was known for reaching out and connecting with people, for his love of life and his love of others.

In his memory, Charlotte 49ers fans are being asked do something kind for someone else: treat someone to lunch, pay a stranger’s toll, donate to a charity, send flowers, bake dinner for someone who could use a helping hand, babysit for free, volunteer at a school, hold doors, pull out chairs and make Nov. 12 Random Acts of Kindness for Phil Day (#RAK4PHIL).

Fans can share their actions or the actions of others via social media. Post a few words, photos and/or video about the acts of kindness to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using #RAK4PHIL.