iLOVEUNCC: Shy students bonded over basketball duties

Categories: General News Tags: Alumni, Athletics

This February, UNC Charlotte is asking alums to share their love stories of how they met their significant others as well as what they love about the University. Stories shared on social media, using #iLOVEUNCC qualify to win exclusive 49er swag, and alums are encouraged to make a gift to support programs, scholarships or departments at LOVE.UNCC.EDU.

As shy people, Carmen Shaw ’00, ’02, ’09 and Johnathan Shaw ’00 don’t boast about their love story. But it’s a sweet one, even if the two differ on exactly how and when they met.

Carmen Shaw recalls the two met in the laundry room of Belk Gym during freshman year. She was manager of the women’s basketball team, and he was a student associate with the men’s basketball team.

But Johnathan Shaw insists the first time he noticed his wife-to-be was as she exited the bookstore.

“I’m going to marry her one day,” he told a friend who was with him.

Because of their involvement with the 49ers basketball teams, the couple’s lives often intersected. Johnathan Shaw tried repeatedly to get Carmen’s attention—even using one of her friends as an intermediary—but she was focused on her studies. Still, she pegged Johnathan as a very respectful and mature young man and eventually relented.

“I think his persistence really won me over,” she said.

Their first date was around Valentine’s Day; Johnathan Shaw picked up his future wife in a car full of bears and flowers, and they went to Olive Garden for dinner. They became a couple around their junior year but didn’t flaunt it around the basketball teams they managed.

In 2003, Shaw made good on his declaration to marry Carmen.

“She’s always been a person of high standards and always carried herself in a very professional and classy way,” he said, adding she’s very caring and family-oriented.

Carmen Shaw earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 2000, followed by a bachelor’s in nursing and a Master of Science in Nursing in 2002 and 2009, respectively. Currently the director of nursing policy and clinical practice at Atrium Health, she also completed a Doctorate in Nursing Practice from Duke University in 2016.

Johnathan Shaw, who completed a bachelor’s degree in communication studies, works for Wells Fargo Advisors. Carmen Shaw said her husband is smart, thoughtful and gentlemanly, and he is a protector and a great dad to their 9-year-old son, Jaxon.

Their special spot on campus is the Barnhardt Student Activity Center, where they spent a lot of time with the basketball teams.

“We were basically a part of the basketball team, so that’s where we spent all of our time,” Carmen Shaw said.

The Shaws said being a part of the basketball programs taught them about teamwork and building relationships, which they carry with them to this day. They remain close to the campus as season ticket holders for the men’s basketball team and supporters of the Athletic Foundation. Johnathan Shaw also has mentored former UNC Charlotte student-athletes.