Academic Affairs

Urban Institute director on ‘Charlotte Talks’
Jeff Michael, director of the University’s Urban Institute, will be a guest on WFAE “Charlotte Talks” on Thursday, March 5. He will be part of a panel, which will discuss demographic shifts in Charlotte and a general growth update of the city. Listen to the live stream or tune into 90.7 FM at 9 a.m.

UNC Charlotte celebrates 50th year in UNC system
Marking a historic anniversary for the University by ringing the campus bell, Chancellor Philip L. Dubois was joined by key supporters and members of the campus community on Monday, March 2, to celebrate UNC Charlotte’s 50th year as part of the UNC system.
On March 2, 1965, the General Assembly passed a bill designating Charlotte College as the University of North Carolina at Charlotte effective July 1, 1965. According to the Charlotte Collegian, news of the bill’s passage was greeted on campus with “bell ringing, cheers, shouts and tears of happiness.”

UNC Board of Governors adopts resolution honoring UNC Charlotte
The UNC Board of Governors at its meeting Friday, Feb. 27, adopted unanimously a resolution to honor UNC Charlotte on the 50th anniversary of legislation to establish the University as a constituent member of the UNC system.

Levine Scholars attend BOG meetings
Recipients of the University’s transformational Levine Scholarship appeared in force at festivities surrounding the UNC Board of Governors meetings being held on campus today and Friday.

UNC Charlotte welcomes UNC Board of Governors
More than 400 friends of UNC Charlotte joined the UNC Board of Governors at a reception at UNC Charlotte Center City Wednesday night. Committee meetings of the board will take place during the day Feb. 26 on the main campus. More information about the visit is online.

Neighborhoods have a story, PlanCharlotte workshops to teach how to tell it
Every neighborhood has a story, but often the people who live there don’t know what they are or where to find them. Does it have a special landmark that ought to be preserved? What about an interesting history? Maybe it has environmental treasures or distinctive architectural features.
At two free, public workshops, Charlotte residents can get help learning how to find out those answers. On Tuesday, March 3, and Saturday, March 7, experts will show residents how to become savvy neighborhood sleuths and discover more about the places where they live.

Academic advising workshops scheduled in March
The Office of Academic Services offers free workshops to University advisors on a variety of topics. Participants are requested to register online for session(s) they plan to attend; email the Office of Academic Services ( with any questions.

Local entrepreneur to discuss ‘Her Story, Her Journey’
Dee Dixon, a successful Charlotte entrepreneur, will present “Her Story, Her Journey” at 2 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 26, in the Halton Reading Room of the J. Murrey Atkins Library in celebration of Black History Month.

Historian John David Smith to guest on ‘Live Wire’
Historian John David Smith will discuss “Lincoln and the U.S. Colored Troops” on today’s “Live Wire,” Inside UNC Charlotte’s streaming webcast.
Employees can watch “The Live Wire” at their desk or on their mobile devices starting at 2 p.m.

UNC Charlotte yields strong ROI, economic impact study finds
UNC Charlotte provides a healthy return on investment and net economic value to the Charlotte region, based on an economic impact study released today. Among the findings: for fiscal year 2012-2013, the accumulated contribution of UNC Charlotte to the region in terms of payroll, operation, construction, and start-up companies was $2.1 billion. For that same period, UNC Charlotte alumni currently employed in the Charlotte Service Region contributed $1.4 billion in added regional income.
Other findings about UNC Charlotte’s economic impact in FY2012-13 include: