College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Summer study – undergraduates conduct coral reef research
The health of the world’s coral reefs garners much media attention, especially related to bleaching and global warming and concerns about chemicals, such as sunscreens and other toxic elements, that could be damaging these fragile ecosystems.
Two undergraduate students conducted research this summer with Amy Ringwood, UNC Charlotte associate professor of biology, that focused on coral restoration and conservation issues.

Historian compares treatment of nomadic people by U.S., Russia
As UNC Charlotte historian Steven Sabol sees it, his new book is a happy coincidence of fly-fishing and history.
During a 2006 fishing trip to trout-filled Nez Perce Creek in Yellowstone National Park, Sabol spied a sign with tantalizingly scant details about the flight of the Nez Perce through the park in the 19th century.

Thinking spatially – balloon exercise helps students perceive time/space relationships
As part of a geography class on spatial thinking, a team of UNC Charlotte students launched a balloon outfitted with a camera to take aerial photographs of the campus. Later, they pieced the images together to form a map.

History professor helping celebrate Camp Greene centennial
Few Charlotteans probably realize that the Queen City housed a World War I training camp. Located just outside Uptown Charlotte, near Wilkinson Boulevard and Tuckaseegee Road, is Camp Greene. Opened originally in September 1917, Camp Greene was named for the Revolutionary War hero Nathanael Greene.

Communication studies researcher earns regional Emmy nomination
For a film that illustrates how the arts can promote healing in health care settings, UNC Charlotte researcher Margaret Quinlan and colleagues Lynn Harter and Evan Shaw have earned a regional Emmy nomination from the Ohio Valley Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

Rogelberg receives national award for humanitarian focus
For humanitarian contributions to the field of industrial-organizational psychology, UNC Charlotte professor Steven Rogelberg was named the inaugural recipient of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Humanitarian Award.

UNC Charlotte receives grant to establish watershed observatory
UNC Charlotte has received a $76,521 grant to establish a watershed observatory that will document the impact of land use and invasive plant species on Catawba Watershed water quality and quantity and to guide the development of best conservation practices for uplands here and elsewhere.

Exceptional CLAS faculty honored with teaching excellence awards
In recognition of their exceptional teaching, Ashley Bryan, Nishi Bryska and Ian Marriott have received the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences’ Excellence in Teaching Awards for 2017.

Goldfield talks presidential election in Russia
David Goldfield, the Robert Lee Bailey Professor of History, recently visited Russia as an academic specialist for the U.S. State Department.
He delivered the presentation “The Politics of Change in America,” which focused on the 2016 presidential election, at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Goldfield also conferred with the U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Tefft, during a reception at Spaso House.
In his role with the U.S. State Department, Goldfield travels abroad to lead seminars and workshops on various aspects of American political culture.

Africana Studies professor awarded Carnegie fellowship to study in Nigeria
At the University of Jos, Africana Studies professor Honore Missihoun plans to teach and analyze texts from Francophone countries in Africa to better understand how the exploitation of women, land and natural resources resulted from patriarchal and male-dominated societies.