College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Rollins College researcher to talk on ‘Africa and the Indian Ocean’
Jonathan Walz, assistant professor of anthropology at Rollins College, will speak on “Africa and the Indian Ocean: A Critical (Re)View and New Archaeological Perspective from Northeastern Tanzania” at 5 p.m., Monday, April 22, in the Denny Building, Room 200. This talk is part of the 2013 Spring Colloquium on African Civilization sponsored by the Africana Studies Department.
In an illustrated presentation, Walz will showcase historical research that is opening up insights on how Africans shaped ancient globalization in the Indian Ocean.

Van Landingham Glen named for University benefactor
Seven-acre Van Landingham Glen is one of the largest public rhododendron gardens in the Southeastern United States, and it showcases native plants from around the Carolinas, too. Prominent Charlotte stockbroker and philanthropist Ralph Van Landingham provided the financial support for the glen, which was dedicated in his honor on Sunday, April 27, 1966.

Global PR center to host third annual research conference
Presenters from Singapore, Macao, Nigeria, Egypt and Poland will join a Microsoft executive at the third annual Global Research Conference set for Friday, April 26, in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center.

University researcher leads effort to forecast optimal energy investments
As the world seeks ways to reduce energy costs and speed access to alternative energy solutions, UNC Charlotte researcher Deborah Strumsky is leading a team that will use modeling to forecast optimal investments for the array of solar energy technologies that are emerging.

Calhoun, Tedeschi receive 2013 First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal
Lawrence Calhoun and Richard Tedeschi, professors of psychology, are joint recipients of the 2013 First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal. This prestigious honor, presented by First Citizens Bank and UNC Charlotte, recognizes faculty scholarship and intellectual inquiry.

Research suggests scientists have overestimated capacity of wind farms to generate power
People think of wind as an energy source with few limits, offering an unending power source with distinct capacity advantages over sources that deplete, such as fossil fuel.
Yet, new research in mesoscale atmospheric modeling by UNC Charlotte’s Amanda Adams and Harvard University’s David Keith, published Monday in the journal Environmental Research Letters, suggests that the power capacity of large-scale wind farms may have been significantly overestimated.

Author, social media activist to discuss future of feminism
Jessica Valenti, named one of the top 100 inspiring women in the world by the Guardian, will present the talk “The Purity Myth” at 7 p.m., Monday, March 19, in the Cone University Center, McKnight Hall.
In her presentation, Valenti will explore whether America’s obsession with virginity is damaging to young women and whether the abstinence movement reveals a larger need for young women to take an activist stance in changing the conversation surrounding female sexuality.

Starrett to discuss Egypt for final Great Decisions talk
Gregory Starrett, a faculty member in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Anthropology Department, will talk about Egypt for the final installment of the 2013 Great Decisions Lecture Series. His presentation will be at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 19, at UNC Charlotte Center City.

Dalsheim to talk ‘Unsettling Gaza’ for Personally Speaking
Joyce Dalsheim will discuss her groundbreaking study of Israeli settlers in the Gaza Strip and the resulting book about her enthographic work at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 12, at UNC Charlotte Center City, as part of the 2012-13 Personally Speaking lecture series.

Communication studies faculty to discuss eugenics
Daniel Grano and Margaret Quinlan, faculty members in the Department of Communication Studies, along with graduate student Elliot Hamer, will present “Did Race and Money Matter? Discrimination in the N.C. Eugenics Program” at 8 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 29, at the YWCA Central Carolinas, 3420 Park Rd.