Faculty and Staff News
Creek restoration and reclaimed water projects underway
Toby Creek meanders through campus, and its on-campus appearance looks different with the removal of trees along the stream corridor as part of a stream restoration project being led by Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services.
Hernandez needs shared leave
Patrick Hernandez, Building Environmental Services, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Nov. 10.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at mleleux@uncc.edu.
Sign up for electronic W-2 and other tax season reminders
UNC Charlotte employees have the option to receive their Form W-2 electronically for the 2020 tax year. This includes faculty, staff, temporary and student employees. Sign up is required by Dec. 31.Note: Employees who previously elected to receive their Form W-2 electronically do not need to take action again this year.
Berrios wins Staff Council Spirit Week contest
Jessica Berrios from the Cato College of Education submitted the winning entry for the Staff Council’s Spirit Week Sing-a-Jingle contest, which was designed to encourage wearing of masks and social distancing. View the winning jingle on the Staff Council Facebook page.
Open Enrollment for 2021 plan year is underway
UNC Charlotte employees who are eligible for insurance benefits have until Saturday, Oct. 31, to make State Health Plan and NCFlex benefits elections for the 2021 plan year. This year’s enrollment period, which began on Thursday, Oct. 15, is shorter than usual and earlier than last year. A few highlights:
Chancellor Gaber announces launch of new strategic planning process
Chancellor Sharon L. Gaber has announced the launch of a strategic planning process for UNC Charlotte that will set the University’s strategic direction, starting with the 2021 academic year, for the next five to 10 years.
Siochi needs shared leave
Lucia Siochi, OneIT, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Oct. 28.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at mleleux@uncc.edu.
New social media policy approved
On Sept. 28, the new University Policy 317, Social Media Policy, was established to minimize risk, streamline brand identity and account management and better equip the UNC Charlotte social media network for the growing number of issues management that occur on University-affiliated social media channels.
Web communications policy revised
On Sept. 28, University Policy 302, Web Communications was revised to remove outdated provisions related to University social media accounts and to instead refer to the newly approved University Policy 317, Social Media Policy.
Policy on receipts and deposits rewritten
On Sept. 28, University Policy 602.4, University Receipts and Deposits, has been rewritten and retitled to: