Faculty and Staff News

Foley needs shared leave

Patrick Foley from Facilities Management needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Sept. 4.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at mleleux@uncc.edu.

Office of Undergraduate Research to hold open house

The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) will hold an open house from 9 a.m. to noon, Wednesday, Aug. 28, in Atkins Library, Suite 237 (Area 49).Attendees will be able to meet members of the office and learn more about OUR’s programs, research initiatives and professional development opportunities.

Construction of Veterans Park to begin

Starting Thursday, Aug. 22, construction fencing will be installed in an area near Memorial Hall for the construction of Veterans Park.Expect intermittent pedestrian walkway limitations, construction noise and heavy machinery operation during this project, scheduled for completion Friday, Nov. 1.

Faculty members sought for Kids Fest that educates, engages young minds

UNC Charlotte archaeologist Sara Juengst spends her summers working in South America. So by the fall, she’s ready to engage with the Charlotte community and some of its youngest residents. She finds that audience at Kids Fest, a free interactive educational event designed for children age 10 and under and their families.University City Partners, a nonprofit organization that helps drive development in the University City area, created Kids Fest to expand the minds of children and parents in the Charlotte region.

University welcomes new employees

UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the Aug. 6 New Employee Orientation session:Art and Art HistoryShannon Ray, administrative support associateAtkins LibraryMichelle Gachette, university library technician

FM’s David Schlobohm has died

David Schlobohm, an engineer with the University’s Facilities Management Department, died on Aug. 9.Colleagues in FM Capital Projects noted, “David’s knowledge and experience as the water resources engineer and interim director of engineering services has been invaluable to the Capital Projects team. He also dedicated his knowledge and time to the hurricane relief team at UNC Wilmington for several weeks during recovery. We will miss him dearly as a friend and colleague.”

Campus delays possible during Move-In

Housing and Residence Life will welcome nearly 6,000 students, including 2,956 first-years, to campus during this year’s Move-In, scheduled for Friday, Aug. 16, through Sunday, Aug. 18.In order to manage traffic flow on campus and in residence halls, residents are assigned Move-In times between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.As a reminder, there will be increased traffic on campus during this time, and faculty and staff are encouraged to plan accordingly when entering/exiting campus, especially on Friday.

Code of Student Responsibility revised

The Code of Student Responsibility was revised Aug. 5 to correct any procedural issues or inconsistencies experienced in applying the current version of the Code, ensure that Code process and language align with practice, improve readability and flow of the Code and make other improvements based on feedback.

Code of Student Academic Integrity revised

The Code of Student Academic Integrity was rewritten and revised Aug. 5 to make the document more faculty- and student-friendly, correct any procedural issues experienced in applying the current version of the Code, ensure that Code process and language align with practice and make improvements based on faculty and student feedback.

Student appeals of final course grades policy revised

University Policy 410, Policy and Procedure for Student Appeals of Final Course Grades, was revised on Aug. 5 to (a) clarify where review is required by an academic dean; (b) make explicit how to proceed in the event of the absence of the grading faculty member due to sabbatical, employment change, disability, death or otherwise; and (c) change the final level of appeal and decision to rest with the academic dean rather than the provost.