
Register now for second Chancellor’s Fishing Derby
Employee anglers get ready; the second Chancellor’s Fishing Derby will be Saturday, Oct. 7, at Hechenbleikner Lake, near the main entrance to campus.
Award nomination deadlines for 2017-18
Below is a list of faculty awards for which the University invites nominations; due dates are listed for the 2017-18 academic year.
Parking and Transportation’s Latrica Kelly dies
Latrica Kelly, a part-time driver with the Parking and Transportation Services Office, died Friday, Sept. 8.
Kelly,46, first joined the University as a temporary employee in September 2013; she became a permanent part-time staff member April 1, 2015.
Veterans Services Office now ‘green-certified’
UNC Charlotte’s Veterans Services Office is committed to reducing its environmental footprint.
As the first office on campus to attain a Green Office Certification for the 2017-18 academic year, Veterans Services sets an example the Sustainability Office hopes many will follow.
Subjects sought for blood pressure study
UNC Charlotte faculty or staff members and graduate students who are between the ages of 21 and 65 and have high blood pressure may be eligible to participate in a study on the effects of isometric exercise training.
Jan Warren-Findlow, a professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences, and Reuben Howden, an associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology, are performing this study; isometric exercise is a form of strengthening exercise, in this case squeezing a handgrip device.

University welcomes new employees
UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the Sept. 5-6 New Employee Orientation session:
Sarah Smoak, administrative support associate for women’s basketball
Building Environmental Services
Ramel Carter, building environmental technician
Jessica Nixon, building environmental technician
Cato College of Education
Brandi Lewis, university program associate
Chancellor’s Office
Melva Jenkins, administrative support associate
Funeral arrangements set for Jeannine Skinner
Funeral services for Jeannine Skinner will be at 11 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 16, at the 20th Street Church of Christ, 825 20th Street, St. Petersburg, Florida.
A wake will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Friday, Sept. 15, at the church. Lawson Funeral Home is handling the funeral arrangements.
Skinner, assistant professor of gerontology/psychology in the Department of Psychological Science, died Sept. 1; she was 35 years old.

University to observe National Postdoc Appreciation Week
Postdoctoral fellows contribute greatly to the research enterprise of the University. In observance of National Postdoc Appreciation Week, Sept. 18-22, the University has organized various events.
On Monday, Sept. 18, Philip Clifford, nationally recognized for championing career and professional development for Ph.D. scientists, will present “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” at 10 a.m. in the Bioinformatics Building, Room 105.

Register for faculty brown bag talk on mentoring grad students
Faculty members can register to attend a brown bag discussion with Philip Clifford at 11:30 a.m., Monday, Sept. 18, in the Center for Graduate Life (Cone University Center, Room 208).

Temporary lane closures scheduled along Mary Alexander Road
On Friday, Sept. 8, there will be intermittent lane closures along Mary Alexander Road between Cameron Boulevard and Cab Lane.
One lane of Mary Alexander Road will be closed at a time with only northbound traffic permitted. Traffic coming onto campus via Mary Alexander Road will be required to turn left or right on Cameron Boulevard.
Expect traffic delays, heavy machinery and construction personnel in the area as workers replace asphalt.
Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.