General News

University opening public elementary school in August 2019
A new public elementary school developed, supported and operated by education experts at UNC Charlotte will aim to expand educational opportunities and boost student achievement starting in August 2019.

Oregon’s Brook Muller named dean of the College of Arts + Architecture
Brook Muller, director of the University of Oregon Portland Architecture Program, will become dean of the UNC Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture, effective this September.

TEDxUNCCharlotte event available via live stream
Individuals unable to secure a ticket to attend the inaugural TEDxUNCCharlotte event on Friday, March 22, will be able to view the presentations via live stream.
The Office of University Communications is providing live stream coverage of the talks between 12:30 and 5 p.m.
Twelve speakers will deliver presentations on the topic “The Power of You Makes It Possible.”

Alumnus named Music Teacher of Excellence
Kevin Brawley ’13, an alumnus of the Department of Music, has been named a 2019 Music Teacher of Excellence by the Country Music Association Foundation. Brawley was one of 30 music teachers nationally to receive recognition “for their commitment to shaping the next generation through music.” He will be presented the award formally at a ceremony on April 30 in Nashville, Tennessee. The honor also comes with a $5,000 prize ($2,500 for classroom needs and $2,500 unrestricted).

Botanical Gardens Spring Plant Sale moves to new location
The annual Spring Plant Sale is the Botanical Gardens’ largest of the year, and it attracts crowds of plant-lovers to campus. This year’s sale, scheduled for Friday and Saturday, April 12-13, will be at the Cafeteria Activities Building (220 Cab Lane), located behind Hickory, Sycamore and Cedar Halls.

Crowdfunding projects support engineering students
Last year was the first time in two decades that the UNC Charlotte American Society of Civil Engineers’ concrete canoe team advanced to the national competition. But upon arriving for the contest at San Diego State University, the team realized it was missing one thing: its canoe.
Thankfully, the canoe, which had been shipped early via UPS, showed up later in a nearby city after a frantic search. But the team learned a valuable lesson.

Governor explores the importance of teacher training programs
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s visit to UNC Charlotte on Wednesday, March 13, provided an opportunity for the state’s chief executive to learn more about the Charlotte Teacher Early College (CTEC) and how the University is helping to bolster the teacher pipeline for the region and state.

Education researcher receives Harshini V. de Silva Award
Richard Lambert, professor of educational leadership in the Cato College of Education, is the 2019 recipient of the Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award.

N.C. Science Festival to feature University Expo, workshops and ‘Brewing Science’
April marks the return of the statewide N.C. Science Festival (NCSF), a month-long celebration of science and public engagement in STEM fields. UNC Charlotte, for the eighth year, will participate in the festival’s mind-expanding public activities.

Green with Gratitude is opportunity for students to say ‘Thank you’
From scholarships and campus renovations to cultural events and student support services, UNC Charlotte’s donors continue to enhance the 49er student experience with their generous gifts. Green with Gratitude is a 49er effort established to educate students on the importance and impact of philanthropy.