General News

Single game football tickets on sale
Single game tickets for the Charlotte 49ers inaugural season of FBS and Conference USA football now are on sale.
On Topic – Howard Godfrey and the joys of teaching
Howard Godfrey, professor of accounting in the Belk College of Business, is an award-winning faculty member with 40 years of experience. He discusses his passion for teaching and the various accolades he’s received.

Madsen named University Career Center director
Patrick Madsen is director of the University Career Center; he officially started the position on Monday, Aug. 17.
Madsen joins the University from UNC Greensboro, where he was director of its Career Services Center. He is recognized for successfully transforming UNC Greensboro’s career center into a contemporary one that meets the needs of today’s students, alumni and employers.

170-plus employers expected at 2015 Career and Public Service Expo
Organizers for this year’s Career and Public Service Expo, hosted by the University Career Center, expect more than 170 organizations to attend the event; the companies will offer students thousands of full-time jobs, internships and co-ops in a range of industries.

Dance professor to reconstruct lost work by Paul Taylor
Renowned modern dance choreographer Paul Taylor has given UNC Charlotte Assistant Professor of Dance Kim Jones the unique opportunity to reconstruct a seminal early work not performed or seen in more than 50 years.

Dubois describes University highlights to large crowd in Ballantyne
UNC Charlottes draws 10 percent of its students from the Ballantyne/Union County area and maintains strong relationships with Ballantyne-area companies such as Bissell, MetLife, Premier, Snyder’s Lance and SPX, Chancellor Philip L. Dubois told the Ballantyne Breakfast Club on Saturday.

Mount Zion dig to be featured on ‘N.C. Now’
UNC Charlotte’s archaeological dig at Mount Zion in Jerusalem continues to make national and international news. Learn more about what is being found and the historical implications during the Aug. 18 broadcast of “North Carolina Now” on UNC Public TV. The program airs at 7:30 p.m.

Building community and tradition guide first-ever Day of Convocation
For incoming freshmen and transfer students, Monday, Aug. 24, will be “Day 1,” a shared experience in which they will come together to learn more about what it means to be a 49er.
Day One, or Day of Convocation, is a campus-wide initiative designed to formally induct new students into the UNC Charlotte academic community.

Education in Mecklenburg county topic for Aug. 13 ‘Live Wire’
Bill Anderson, special assistant to the dean for community relations in the College of Education, and Eric Davis, a member of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and North Carolina State Boards of Education, will be the guests on the Thursday, Aug. 13, edition of “The Live Wire,” Inside UNC Charlotte’s streaming webcast, which airs at 2 p.m.

High school students share research at summer symposium
Deep underground in a basement auditorium, a high schooler is teaching about nanoparticles. It’s the end of a hot summer spent in cool laboratories for the fortunate juniors and seniors chosen for the research experience at UNC Charlotte. Delivering their presentations marks the culmination of more than a month of study for the six high school students, who were paired with professors to work on complex scientific questions.