Academic Affairs
Reynolds Fellowship recipients named
Eight students who represent a number of educational disciplines are this year’s recipients of the Thomas L. Reynolds Graduate Student Research Award.
The Reynolds Fellowship was created by its namesake, Associate Provost and Graduate School Dean Tom Reynolds, to assist with costs that are overlooked in other funding sources and to help students stay focused on their research goals. The Reynolds Fellowship provides up to $1,500 to doctoral students who have completed three semesters and to master’s students who have completed at least one semester.
Accessibility Excellence Award recipients named
The Office of Disability Services bestows its Accessibility Excellence Award to faculty and staff members who exhibit a strong commitment to accessibility- and disability-related issues.
Hornets executive receives Distinguished Service Award
Fred Whitfield, president and chief operating officer for the Hornets Sports & Entertainment, is the 2019 recipient of the UNC Charlotte Distinguished Service Award.
10th class of Levine Scholars to join UNC Charlotte
UNC Charlotte’s Levine Scholars Program has selected the 20 young leaders from across the United States who will be the members of the 10th class of this prestigious, academically competitive scholarship program. The scholars will join the University beginning with the fall 2019 semester.
Graduation marked by celebration and commemoration
Thunderous ovations filled Halton Arena during Commencement, and while the tumult celebrated the academic achievements of the graduates, the loudest acclaim Saturday was reserved for the families of Reed Parlier and Riley Howell.
Doctoral students celebrate ‘ultimate academic achievement’
Completing a doctorate is a major academic milestone that requires years of rigor and dedication. For the 74 individuals who participated in this year’s annual Doctoral Hooding Ceremony, May 9, the journey takes on even greater meaning.
Director of School of Architecture stepping down
Chris Jarrett, who has served as the director of the School of Architecture (SoA) for 10 years, will step down from that position on June 30 and join the architecture faculty full-time.
Retiring faculty recognized for 318 years of combined service
On April 25, 10 outstanding faculty members were honored for their service to UNC Charlotte as they join the ranks of retirees. Their combined 318 years of service range from 12 to 48 years.
Chancellor Philip L. Dubois, who presided over the program at the Harris Alumni Center at Johnson Glen, offered recollections about each retiree. He noted that a few of the honorees have helped to write more than half of the University’s story.
2019 Commencement: A time to remember, a time to celebrate
For the roughly 4,800 students who could participate in UNC Charlotte’s 2019 Commencement, graduation takes on special meaning, given what transpired on campus April 30.
Atkins Library reduced hours through May 12
Due to the change in exam schedules, Atkins Library is reducing hours of operation through the end of the academic year:
Friday, May 3 – Close at 10 p.m.
Saturday, May 4 – 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sunday, May 5 – 10 a.m. to midnight
Monday through Thursday, May 6-9 – 7:30 a.m. to midnight
Friday, May 10 – 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday, May 11 – 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, May 12 -1 to 5 p.m.