Academic Affairs
Using Duo to be required beginning January 2019
Effective Jan. 31, 2019, all University employees (full-time, part-time, adjunct faculty, student employees) will be required to use Duo two-factor authentication to access all University single sign-on systems. These include Gmail, NinerNet, Canvas and My UNC Charlotte.
ITS is investigating increasing the password reset time frame for those who use Duo, which significantly improves the security of University data.
Academic Affairs staff member Keisha Martin has died
Keisha Martin, an administrative support associate in the Office of Academic Affairs, died on June 13.
Planned, intermittent network outages scheduled
According to ITS officials, intermittent network outages around campus and in buildings are expected between 6 and 9 p.m., Monday, July 2, due to equipment upgrades.
Outages may affect phones, wireless and wired networks, the internet, time clocks and blue light phones.
Data Science Initiative partnership with Packard Place connecting students with industry
UNC Charlotte’s Data Science Initiative (DSI) has announced a partnership with Packard Place, Charlotte’s largest community and co-working space, to provide a new satellite site for the University’s Data Science and Business Analytics (DSBA) graduate programs. Students and faculty will be embedded in an entrepreneurial environment with direct access to startups, potential collaborators, mentors and employers, honoring a key DSI commitment to community engagement.
Collins serving as U.S. mentor for international entrepreneurial program
Ventureprise Associate Director Devin Collins recently attended the U.S. Department of State’s 2018 Young Transatlantic Innovative Leaders Initiative (YTILI) Opening Summit in Portugal as a U.S. mentor.
Selected for a second year, Collins will share his expertise with young European entrepreneurs who were chosen for the fellowship program. Seventy entrepreneurs from 45 countries will participate in a year-long series of projects designed to strengthen their businesses by learning best practices from established U.S. entrepreneurs and organizations.
N.C. General Assembly passes 2018-19 state budget
The North Carolina General Assembly has ratified and forwarded to Gov. Roy Cooper its budget proposal for 2018-19. While the legislation includes the enrollment funding for UNC System campuses appropriated in the two-year budget approved last year, it also contains an $800,000 recurring cut to UNC Charlotte’s budget.
Academic Complex courtyard renovations to begin
Demolition and reconstruction of the courtyard of the Academic Complex will begin Monday, May 28.
Expect noise as demolition activities occur. Additionally, there will be heavy construction traffic with equipment and personnel. Also, the courtyard will be inaccessible during renovations, which are scheduled through Aug. 17.
Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction areas.
University named a nominating institution for Pew Scholars Program
UNC Charlotte is now a nominating entity for the Pew Scholars Program in Biomedical Sciences, one of the most prestigious junior-faculty fellowships in the field.
Participating institutions are selected on the basis of the scope of their work in biomedical research and recommended to the Pew Charitable Trusts by the National Advisory Committee of the program.
Active Learning Expo provided ‘vibrant forum’ to share teaching strategies
Active learning has been defined as activities that students can utilize to better construct knowledge and understanding. UNC Charlotte’s Active Learning Academy in the Center for Teaching and Learning supports faculty members to develop such techniques for their classes, and recently, the center hosted an expo that featured academy faculty teams that shared their projects designed to promote active learning.
Disability Services names Accessibility Excellence Award recipients
Brian Bard (Student Health Center), Lijuan Cao (Software and Information Systems), Trudy Moore- Harrison (Kinesiology), Stan Homenick (ITS), Joanne Perry (Counseling and Psychological Services), Victoria Rankin (Sociology) and Jing Yang (Computer Science) are the 2017-18 recipients of the Accessibility Excellence Award for Outstanding Faculty/Staff.
The Office of Disability Services bestows this honor upon individuals who exhibit a strong commitment to accessibility and disability-related issues.